There is no chance that Noah's flood took place.
Like much of the Bible, it absolutely has to be a myth. Only in myth can impossible things happen like a global flood within the last four thousand four hundred years.
There is however plenty of evidence that a global flood did not take place!
The Biblical flood took place during the historic period yet no written record of it exists -- the BIble's account is not history and no documentary writing corroborates it. There are lots of flood myths but no history! The continuous record of literate civilisations such as the Egyptian, show that they carried on right through the Biblical flood time as if nothing happened, therefore nothing did happen!
Fundamentalist religious people seem reluctant to consider the earth-science data, the efforts of countless thousands of researchers, which show very good continuous readings of climate, plant and animal activity in the last 11,700 years of the Holocene period. No global flood interrupted the annual lake deposits, no flood destroyed the polar ice-core sediment layers, no flood destroyed the plant life, no flood killed or changed the locations of animal or more obviously, human populations. An example: the people of Papua New-Guinea have been cultivating the same vegetable gardens continuously for eight thousand years!
It is tiresome to argue with people who have chosen to deny the evidence.